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Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) for Treating Hair Loss

When you think about hair loss treatments, you probably don't think about getting your blood drawn. But platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is actually one of the most popular forms of hair loss treatment. This innovative treatment involves drawing blood from your arm, then injecting the plasma into your scalp to stimulate hair growth. It might sound unusual, but countless customers have sworn by PRP therapy over the years. PRP hair restoration can help you regain a full head of hair and feel confident and attractive again.

What Is PRP Therapy?

PRP therapy for hair uses your own blood and plasma to stimulate hair growth. Experts believe that by injecting blood directly into the scalp, it increases the blood flow to the hair follicles, stimulating the growth of thick, healthy hair. The cost for the treatments can vary, but it typically costs a few thousand dollars for three sessions. When your treatments are over, you should notice your hair start to grow back, thicker and healthier than before.

How Does PRP Therapy Work?

PRP for hair loss starts by having blood drawn from your arm. The blood is placed in a centrifuge, where it is spun until the blood separates into three distinct layers: platelet-rich plasma, platelet-poor plasma and red blood cells. For this type of therapy, you need the platelet-rich plasma. A technician will inject the plasma directly into your scalp to increase the blood flow to your hair follicles. Typically, you'll receive three treatments that are about four to six weeks apart. You'll also receive maintenance treatments on a less-frequent basis.

Who Can Benefit From PRP Therapy?

Virtually anyone can benefit from using platelet-rich plasma for hair loss. Here's an example of the types of customers that we frequently see in our clinic:

  • Men in their 30s who have noticed their hair thinning and their hairline receding
  • Men in their 40s and 50s who are experiencing significant hair loss
  • Women in their 30s who have noticed that their hair is thinning and falling out easily
  • Women in their 40s and 50s who have noticed that their hair is becoming thin, weak and brittle
  • Men and women aged 60+ who have experienced major hair loss as they've grown older

Does PRP Therapy Have Any Side Effects?

The side effects for PRP therapy are usually minimal. Your own blood is used for the treatment, so you can't be infected with a disease that you didn't already have. However, it's possible that you could experience a minor injury at the injection site.

Does PRP Therapy Require Anesthesia?

In some cases, a local anesthesia might be used during your treatments. If that's the case, make sure you tell your doctor if you're allergic to any forms of anesthesia. However, some clinics don't use anesthesia since the pain is short term and minimal. Your doctor might recommend that you take a mild pain reliever if you experience any discomfort after your treatment.

How Long Does PRP Therapy Take?

Each PRP therapy session usually takes about 30 minutes. The process doesn't take long, so you can go in, get your treatment and move on with the rest of your day. Just make sure that you follow the doctor's advice to ensure that you don't do anything that might damage the area or prevent the PRP therapy from being effective.

As for the restoration itself, most patients start seeing increased hair growth within a few months. However, you'll have to make sure that you're keeping up with regular maintenance visits. If you don't listen to the doctor's instructions, your hair might start thinning and falling out again.

If you're thinking about investing in PRP therapy, be aware that it's not a quick fix. You'll have to schedule multiple appointments and might have to wait several weeks before you start seeing results. This doesn't mean it's not working — it just takes more time than other hair loss treatments. But if you stick with it, you might notice that your hair is growing back thicker and fuller and you feel better about yourself than you have in years.

Are There Any Conditions That Can Prevent You From Receiving PRP Therapy?

If you have certain health conditions, you might not be eligible for PRP therapy. These can include cancer, liver disease, skin disease, low platelet count or chronic infections. You might also be rejected for PRP therapy if you use drugs or alcohol or are currently taking blood thinners. Your doctor can give you more information about whether your health issues might disqualify you from receiving PRP therapy.

Do I Need To Take Any Medications With PRP Therapy?

PRP itself doesn't involve any creams, ointments, medications or anything else that you'd have to take at home. However, PRP therapy is often used in combination with other hair loss treatments that are meant to promote the growth of thick, healthy hair. Your doctor might prescribe additional medications that can work alongside PRP therapy to restore your hair to its natural luster.

What's the Overall Verdict on PRP Therapy?

Overall, PRP therapy is a great way to treat hair loss. It involves minimal pain, the results are long-lasting, and thousands of people across the globe have relied on PRP therapy to relieve their hair loss. The procedures can be a little pricey, but the therapy is more effective than a cheap "quick-fix" treatment. This treatment is rather straight-forward because it simply is making use of the growth-stimulating plasma that already exists in your blood. This treatment is best for those who still have hair follicles as it will not work otherwise. 

If you're thinking about trying PRP therapy for yourself, get in touch with your local hair loss clinic. They'll be happy to talk to you about the process and help you figure out if PRP treatment is the right option for you. They can also give you an idea of the cost and time frame involved.