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The Skinny on Thinning Hair: How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster

Do you feel like you looked in the mirror one day and noticed you have thinning hair? The signs of hair loss are devastating, especially if you’re used to running your fingers through thick hair. Now that you’ve noticed your hair thinning, can you reverse hair loss? If you’re just starting to notice thinning hair, read these quick tips on how to make your hair grow faster.

Here’s an outline of steps to take in order to make your hair grow faster:

  1. Start by giving your scalp some love
  2. Quit smoking ASAP
  3. Skip the store-bought supplements
  4. Cool it on the blow dryer and straighteners
  5. Choose the right shampoo for your hair
  6. Find a great hair brush
  7. Kick stress to the curb

Why is My Hair Thinning?

Hair loss can actually occur for a lot of reasons. You can most likely thank your parents for your thinning hair, because genetics are the most common reason for hair loss. This condition is called androgenic alopecia, also known as male-pattern or female-pattern baldness.

However, things like stress, medications, tight hairstyles like cornrows, and hormonal conditions have an impact on your hair as well. The only way to truly know the source of your hair loss is by seeking out the advice of a medical professional.

The Scoop on How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster

When you start to lose your hair, all you want is to have it back. Unfortunately, there’s no quick-fix on how to make your hair grow super fast overnight, but you can try these tips on how to grow your hair faster at home. Keep in mind, it’s important to have realistic expectations when it comes to at-home hair restoration.

1. Start by Giving Your Scalp Some Love

Hair growth starts at your scalp, so it’s critical that you take care of it. A scalp massage to stimulate hair growth can make a great addition to your hair care routine. Massaging that area increases blood flow to your scalp, makes your hair roots stronger, and moves nutrients to your hair follicles. 

You can even take your scalp massage up a notch by adding a few drops of rosemary essential oil.

2. Quit Smoking ASAP

Not only is it bad for your lungs, but smoking can also be terrible for hair growth. Smoking tobacco has been shown to damage your hair follicles because it restricts blood flow to your scalp and increases your body’s production of free radicals. Plus, it causes changes in hormone levels and increases inflammation.

3. Skip the Store-Bought Supplements

Store-bought supplements may provide you with missing vitamins and minerals, but they won’t really have an effect on how to make your hair grow faster. 

Don’t worry, you can help improve your hair growth by eating a diet rich in healthy fats like omega-3s. Your hair needs omega-3 fatty acids to stay healthy, but your body can’t produce them on it’s own. So, it’s important you include foods like walnuts, tuna, and flaxseed, which are known to be the best foods for hair growth.

4. Cool It on the Blow Dryer and Straighteners

It’s no secret that using heated styling tools like curling irons, blow dryers, and straighteners, are not how to make your hair grow faster. 

Heat makes your hair dry and brittle, which leads to breakage. It’s best to just let your hair air-dry and leave the hot tools alone. While you’re at it, turn down the temp during your showers, too.

5. Choose the Right Shampoo for Your Hair

Even though it’s super easy to pick the best smelling shampoo and conditioner on the shelf, you need to choose products that suit your individual needs. The wrong shampoo and conditioner can irritate your scalp and make your hair brittle. 

Look for products made for your hair texture and that don’t contain harsh chemicals. It’s also important to limit how often you wash and condition your hair, in order to let your hair nourish itself with natural oils.

The best shampoos for hair growth are ones that increase blood flow in your scalp. As discussed, increasing blood flow to that area of your body encourages hair growth. When you’re in the hair care aisle, look for shampoos with anti-inflammatories and antioxidants to help promote a healthy scalp and grow your hair faster.

6. Find a Great Hair Brush

A lot of people like to rush through brushing their hair, and if you’re one of those people, you’re probably causing a lot of damage. When you rip through your hair with a brush, you risk breaking your hair, splitting your hair, and even pulling it out, which is the opposite of how to grow your hair quickly. 

Make sure to choose the best hair brush for your hair type, as you might end up doing more harm than good with the wrong brush. Generally, you want to choose a wide-tooth comb or a paddle brush to detangle your hair.

7. Kick Stress to the Curb

The link between hair loss and stress is complicated, but it’s certainly known that extreme stress can cause hair loss

Each hair on your head is constantly shifting between growth cycles. Your hair structure plays a large role in how your hair grows. For example, your hair grows during the anagen phase and sheds during the telogen phase. 

When you suffer from hair loss due to stress, your hair is unexpectedly moved into the telogen phase all at once, rather than cycling through their own individual growth cycles. This can cause patches of hair to fall out at once or an abnormal amount of shedding.

What Should I Do If Nothing At Home Works?

Restoring your hair on your own is very difficult. You could try over-the-counter products, but they rarely work. Plus, you have to regularly buy more hair loss products, or your hair will start to fall out again. 

If you're truly concerned about hair loss, and want more advanced methods in hair restoration, then you need to seek advice from a trusted hair loss doctor. These doctors are the only people who can expertly diagnose the source of your hair loss and guide you toward the right treatment.

Treatments Available to Reverse Hair Loss

There are many methods a doctor can use to restore your hair and reverse hair loss. The most well-known treatment is follicular unit transplant surgery, which is where a surgeon moves healthy hair follicles from the back of your neck to the treated area. 

While FUT is the most well-known treatment option, there are many other methods that may work for your individual situation like PRP and other non-surgical hair replacement options.

For non-invasive hair loss restoration procedures, it’s critical to see a specialist as soon as you notice thinning hair, as these treatments work best during the first stage of hair loss.

Where to Find the Best Doctor that Knows How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster

Then turn to the best hair doctor in New York and New Jersey, Dr. Herbert Feinberg. He has helped thousands of men and women suffering from hair loss, and is dedicated to providing you with results you’ll want to run your fingers through. 

If you’re ready to experience everything Dr. Feinberg can do for you, call 201-739-1885 to request a consultation.