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Comprehensive Hair Care: Conditioning Your Routine

If you want strong, healthy hair, you can’t just have a basic hair care routine. This comprehensive guide to hair care breaks down care by type of hair.

The only way to get healthy, beautiful hair is to pin down an excellent routine. However, your hair is unique, and what works for someone else may not work for you. It’s important to choose the best hair care products that enhance your hair’s natural beauty. So, if you’re ready to help your locks look their best, read this guide to conditioning your hair care routine from top to bottom.

  1. The best hair care routine starts at your scalp
  2. If you want to know how to take care of your hair, find your hair type
  3. Your hair care routine isn’t complete without a healthy diet
  4. Ask for help with your hair care routine

The Best Hair Care Routine Starts At Your Scalp

Your scalp is where hair growth begins, so it’s best to give it a healthy start. 

Another way to take care of your scalp is making sure you’re using the right hair care products because just like the pores on your face, the hair follicles on your head get clogged. Avoid harsh shampoos that dry your scalp out and ditch the super thick and sticky styling products.

Take your hair care routine a step further by using coconut oil and rosemary essential oil.

If You Want to Know How to Take Care of Your Hair, Find Your Hair Type

How much time have you really spent getting to know your hair? Are you informed about hair structure, or aware of how your hair really grows

Your hair is unique and complex, so you can’t just grab the most convenient hair care products. Take a look at these hair care tips, in order to find the best hair care routine and the best ways to style your hair depending on your hair type.

1. Straight 

Also known as type one, this hair type has no natural curl, and falls flat from your roots to the ends of your hair. The best part about straight hair is that it's usually soft. 

However, people with straight hair types usually have oily scalps, which may cause you to get a little more greasy than other hair types. Dry shampoos are great for people with straight hair. Try using dry shampoo before your hair gets oily, so it absorbs oil all day.

2. Wavy

There are three types of wavy hair: 2A, 2B, 2C. 

  • 2A has gentle tousled waves, but people with this hair type usually end up losing their waves when their hair starts to reach eye level. Heavy hair care products weigh this hair type down. Look for lightweight mousses and gels to help shape your waves.
  • 2B is a lot like 2A, but has a more defined shape. This hair type is ideal for beachy waves. Use a light salt spray to make your waves a little more effortless.
  • 2C has the most defined shape. People who have type 2C hair normally have thick hair, and often have to fight frizziness regularly. Many people with this hair type are tempted to use heat to straighten their waves on a daily basis, but this can really damage your hair. Instead, try a hair dryer with a diffuser and anti-humidity hair care products.

3. Curly

There are also three types of curly hair: 3A, 3B, 3C

  • 3A has loose, S-shaped curls that are about the same circumference of a candlestick. This type of hair is damaged by tight ponytails and harsh brushing. It’s best to stick with a hair care routine for natural hair, and lay off heavy styling products.
  • 3B has curls as tight as a marker, and they usually have beautiful volume, but need moisture to keep their shape. Avoid products with harsh ingredients like silicone and sulfates, as those dry your hair out over time and cause breakage.
  • 3C spring to life and are easily the circumference of a drinking straw. This hair type looks best left in its natural state. Use your fingers to gently comb through your hair when it’s wet, then use a high-quality leave-in conditioner, and let your hair air dry.

4. Coils

Just like waves and curls, coils have three types: 4A, 4B, 4C

  • 4A is known as the most fragile hair type because it needs a lot of moisture. While oils are popular, they are often too heavy and lead to breakage. Look for deep conditioning masks and creams, instead. 
  • 4B coils zig-zag and are wiry. It’s best to finger comb this hair type and use plenty of leave-in conditioner. Experts agree that using protective hairstyles like braids actually do a lot more damage than good, because it’s impossible for moisture to reach your entire strand of hair.
  • 4C needs an extra gentle hair care routine. It should never be brushed or combed too often, and it’s critical you nourish your hair and scalp with rich conditioners. This hair is bold and beautiful, and looks perfect just the way it is.

Your Hair Care Routine Isn’t Complete Without a Healthy Diet

We all know that keeping a healthy diet is essential to having a healthy body, but it’s also important for hair and scalp health, too. Adding in foods with the right nutrients is a simple secret to achieve healthier hair. Eating foods that help your hair stay healthy is much easier than you think. Take a look at these top foods for an amazing hair care routine:

1. Protein

If you’re deficient in protein you might end up giving yourself weak and brittle hair. Even worse, you can lose hair color and experience hair loss. Eat lean meat like fish and poultry, and try snacking on eggs and low-fat dairy products.

2. Zinc

A zinc deficiency can make your scalp shed hair sooner than it needs too. Luckily, you can easily find foods that are high in zinc at the store. Look for Brazil nuts, almonds, chickpeas, and squash.

3. Omega-3 Fatty Acid

You absolutely need omega-3 fatty acids to have healthy hair, and your body simply doesn’t produce it on its own. Omega-3 fatty acids stimulate your hair follicles and oil glands into nourishing your hair, which improves hair and scalp health overall.

4. Just Say No to Over-the-Counter Supplements

Unless you’re being prescribed non-surgical hair replacement medicine to improve your hair health and growth, you shouldn’t take any supplements for your hair care routine. They aren’t very effective and you end up wasting time and money. The nutrients for your hair are better absorbed through a healthy diet.

Ask for Help With Your Hair Care Routine, If You Need It

Finding the best hair care routine for your hair and scalp isn’t easy. If you’re struggling to find methods to help your hair stay healthy, seek out an experienced board-certified dermatologist

Hair transplant specialists are the only people who can expertly determine the reason you’re having trouble. In fact, if you think you’re suffering from hair loss, request a consultation with a hair care specialist as soon as possible. You can easily treat most kinds of hair loss non-surgically, if you get to them in time.